Gwen Pruitt Davis Artist
 Call us: 214-357-3799
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The Amazingly Gifted Youth Fine Art Workshops were introduced in 2003 by Dallas, Texas artist, Gwen Pruitt Davis. Our workshops serve as tools of self expression, motivation and personal development. Elements of teamwork, leadership, discipline and time management are successfully integrated into our curriculum and implied with the use of visuals and demonstrations. Our goal is to plant positive seeds into the lives of children using the arts. We invite you to visit our workshops. For more information about a private or public class, complete the form to your right and press "Send". To register for a class, "Click here".  
Cherries and Green
Oil on Canvas Panel by
Bryquan Washington at age 8 

Oil on Canvas by 
Catherine Clyde at age 14
The Amazingly Gifted Youth Fine Art Workshops
Purple Mountains
Oil on Canvas by 
Paige Tasby at age 12

Blue Lake
Oil on Canvas Panel by
Juanita Medina at age 8